Are you the Chosen One??

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Is anybody really the chosen one? Anakin turned against the jedi and killed mostly all of them off with the help of the clones. Even I could be a better chosen one than him!

Can You be the chosen one though? find out by taking the quiz. And if you are good enough to be the chosen one will you restore the balance of the force or suffer Anakin's fate?

Created by: Joseph
  1. How high do you think your Midi-Chlorians are?
  2. Do you want to stop the Sith?
  3. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word war?
  4. What is your home planet?
  5. DIE!!
  6. Iz this Quiz awesome???
  7. Your best friend is in danger and needs your help but your master gave you direct orders to stay where you are. What do you do?
  8. SON?
  9. Can you get this question wrong?
  10. How well do you think you did on this Quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I the Chosen One??