Are you the child of a Greek God or goddess?

Have you ever wondered if you are the child of a god or goddess? Take the quiz here to see which god might be you're parent! You may even be a child of one of the most important gods!

Are YOU a demigod? Take this quiz to find out! Will you have the power to make lightning appear out of nowhere? Or will you be the best trickster ever known? Find out here!

Created by: maddie
  1. What do you do when there is a thunderstorm?
  2. What do you do when you go to the beach?
  3. What do you like to do at a wedding?
  4. Do you like to join you're parents when they're gardening?
  5. When you're parents say, "we're going to the library! Want to come?" How do you respond?
  6. How do you respond when you're boyfriend/girlfriend dumps you?
  7. When someone plays a trick on you, how do you respond to it?
  8. If you go to a horror movie, how do you act before going into the theater?
  9. What's you're favorite thing to do on an airplane?
  10. If you find out that you're boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you, how do you respond?

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Quiz topic: Am I the child of a Greek God or goddess?