Are you the best clan-mate in the pack?

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Some people are good at being clan members and others aren't. The cat clans are all unique and maybe there's one that fits your type of personality. Witch one?

Are YOU a good clan member? Do you have what it takes to belong in a clan and stay loyal to it? I hope you can go to one and join, and stay loyal for as long as you live.

Created by: mossfire of horseland
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many frends do yew have?
  2. Are you a party animal or a loner?
  3. Do you hav a bf?
  4. What position would yew have in a clan?
  5. What type of clan would you join?
  6. Who would you rather be the leader of the clan?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. What type of person are you? (Tell the truth!)
  9. How many people hate yew?
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I the best clan-mate in the pack?