are you team jacob or team edward?

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there are so many people, but few are true twilight fans.a tryue fan is, afterall, quite exceptional. what is a fan? a fan is someone who has an extrodinarilly big intrest in something. in this case, a big intrest in eithier one of two things, edward or jacob!

are YOU a fan? do you love everything to do with eithier edward or jacob. untill now you could only wonder. but thanks to this quyiz, in just a few clicks you will find out!

Created by: Bex123
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which do you prefer...
  2. pick one
  3. which type of guy do you prefer
  4. pick one
  5. whats the perfect date?
  6. whats your fave colour?
  7. whats the first letter of your name?
  8. this must be one of the most twilghty based questions..
  9. the guy you love has been "taken" from you. would do you do.
  10. finally, do u ike twilight?

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Quiz topic: Am I team jacob or team edward?