Are you sweet, salty or sour?!

In this quiz you will learn whether you were sweet, sour or salty. I would like to say you do you and this quiz is not important. It doesn’t really matter what you get.

If you are sweet, you enjoy mostly girly and bubbly activities. If you are sour, you are independent but fun. If you are salty, those who know you love you and appreciate you. Enjoy!

Created by: Layla
  1. Do you enjoy drawing?
  2. Do you wear nail polish?
  3. What is your main trait?
  4. Why do you like animals?
  5. What’s your favourite drink?
  6. Would you rather be with people or alone?
  7. Do you like candy?
  8. Would you rather live forever and be bored or live for 10 years doing everything in the world?
  9. How do you dress your food?
  10. Would you rather have ten half-friends or one true friend?

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Quiz topic: Am I sweet, salty or sour?!
