Are you stupid?

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Are you stupid or not. Find out with this quiz you have some options now find out if you are or not. Have fun taking it and now Im typing for 150 words.

Find out with fun questions like are you alive, or hows your day, and other stupid crap to see if you respond smartly or stupidly. Well im Typing for 150 words again.

Created by: Clumsy
  1. Are you alive?
  2. Whats 9 + 10 equal?
  3. Hows your day going?
  4. Are you fat?
  5. Are you gay?
  6. Are you lesbian?
  7. Are you a chicken nugget?
  8. Are you eating food?
  9. Why am I making a quiz?
  10. Am I alive

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Quiz topic: Am I stupid?
