Are you spiritually Roman?

You may think that you know something about Roman culture and religion, but probably not nearly as much as you're about to encounter. The Roman path is simple, sound, and solid, a virtuous path for living and spiritual bridge to the Gods.

What have you already learned? How much more study do you need to do? Could you serve as a priest or priestess? Study. Expand your knowledge. Honor the Gods.

Created by: Asad
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The Romans referred to their cultural path as the _mos maiorum_ meaning
  2. The goal of Roman religion was to maintain the _pax deorum_. This referred to keeping
  3. Keeping the _pax deorum_ required maintaining the _ius divinum_ or
  4. Roman religion was expressed in _publica privataque sacra_ meaning
  5. Roman religion emphasized _cultus_ over _pietas_ or _credo_ meaning
  6. _Publica privataque sacra_ occurred in accordance with a _fasti_ of _feriae_ meaning
  7. _Feriae_ were divided into _feriae stativae_, _feriae conceptivae_, and _feriae imperativae_ meaning
  8. The _fasti_ were set by the _collegium pontificum_ meaning
  9. _The collegium pontificum_ was led by the pontifex maximus or
  10. The _collegium pontificum_ kept the _libri_ or _commentarii pontifices_ that were
  11. The _ordo_ or _fasti sacerdotum_ listed
  12. The _ordo_ or _fasti sacerdotum_ included
  13. The Shrine of the Household Gods was called
  14. The Floralia was a celebration of
  15. The Floralia was celebrated
  16. April 21, 753 BCE was
  17. April 23 was called
  18. What temple was dedicated on April 23?
  19. The Festival of Saturn was called
  20. The Festival of Saturn was celebrated
  21. Some of the features of the Festival of Saturn are retained in the modern celebration of
  22. The Lupercalia occurred when
  23. The Lupercalia was a
  24. The Liberalia was also called
  25. The Liberalia honored Prince Liber who was also known as
  26. The Liberalia is celebrated on which day
  27. The Liberalia shares the date with
  28. Gaius Julius Caesar was

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Quiz topic: Am I spiritually Roman?