Are you smart nerd

Their are true nerds and cheat nerds.True nerds are smart and know a lot.Cheat nerds cheat to get their answer, and they don't have much brain knowledge.

There, out there are nerds waiting to bring out their full nerdy nerdyness potential.Are you one of the nerdy nerds waiting to bring out the nerdyness in you.

Created by: kate
  1. What is the capital of New Jersey?
  2. What country was the men's 2014 world cup held?
  3. What is the difference between nerd and geek?
  4. Who are the two best men soccer players?
  5. What was Disney's (the person) first name?
  6. What did they name the baby boy in heros reborn?
  7. Who were the last 3 survivors in hunger games?
  8. How many seasons of the office were their?
  9. What song did ZAYN do?
  10. How many U.S.A Vermont presidents were there?

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Quiz topic: Am I smart nerd