Are you shy around your crush

threre are many people who like other peaple and in life we fine love in our heats

are you shy around your crush and hid if they come near or run into a pole when running away from them

Created by: Jewel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when your crush walks by do you duck your head ?
  2. do you want to talk to him but you are to scared ?
  3. if you see your crush at a store what do you do ?
  4. would you go talk to your crush if it was only you and your crush ?
  5. what would you do if your crush come to your house ?
  6. do you have any classes with your crush ?
  7. are you scared to talk to your crush?
  8. do you hide when you see your crush ?
  9. what do you do if they sit down next to you ?
  10. last question . what color hair hair do they have ? (will not affect nothing )

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Quiz topic: Am I shy around my crush