Are You ready for your first horse?

This quiz is MADE FOR U! So don't cheat yourself! Be true to your self! You can do this follow your passions! You were made for this! You can do anything you put your mind to!

You got this! Just follow your instincts!~We all are still learning~ You can do this! Keep on trying! This is not the end of the world! Just know you CAN do this!

Created by: Lilac
  1. Have you ridden before.
  2. How long have you been riding for?
  3. Can you canter yet?
  4. Can you do a posting trot?
  5. Can you do a sitting trot?
  6. What are saddles for?
  7. The tallest horse on record, Sampson, was how many hands high?
  8. How tall was Thumbelina, the smallest horse on record?
  9. The highest jump on record made by a horse consisted of how many feet?
  10. How tall was Eohippus, the earliest known ancestor to the modern horse?
  11. For how much money was Fusaichi Pegasus, a Kentucky Derby winner, sold for at auction in 2001? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for my first horse?
