Are you pregnant truely

(I want to get this done with so I am going to say random things) hi MR cow I am a duck am I you if go pig fox of the rainbows Barry pop poop nope pop

Hi mr.ho (I am saying random stuff so I can get thus done with cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow pop poop pop POOOP Barney is a ho remote fart bop pop pop

Created by: Shelby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you expanding
  2. Do you have food cravings
  3. Are you tired a lot
  4. Do have motion sickness or morning sickness
  5. Do you even want a baby
  6. This is almost over......
  7. How many kids do u have now
  8. Chgfcytfcfgcy c
  9. Are you plump
  10. Did u have SEX with ur partner or ur b f

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Quiz topic: Am I pregnant truely