Are you popular or geeky

This quiz is too find out if your the popular kid that the school adores or the geek great to be around. Find out what you are in this quiz of 12 whole questions.

This took me way to long to do and its my first quiz so no hate. hate. hate. hate. hate. hate. lol. ttyl. lmao. ha. nothing to say. shh. dont. talk. about. me.

Created by: elena
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many friends do you have at school
  2. Do you have social media facebook,instagram etc
  3. If you do have social media how many followers do you have
  4. Do you like to read
  5. Is school fun to you or just a waste of time
  6. if you do like school what is your favorite subject
  7. Do your friends always want to hang out with you
  8. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend
  9. ok last time
  10. ok last time

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Quiz topic: Am I popular or geeky