are you popular?

there are lots of people in this world, and only some of them can be popular, but lets be honest, if nobody knew Justin Beiber, the world WOULD be a better place.

are YOU popular? if you don't know for sure, here is your chance TO PROVE YOURSELF!!! be yourself and answer truthfully. you may be popular, you may not. that's ok.

Created by: me and brooklyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. there's this party... but its on a school night. what do you do?
  2. what do you wear on a school day?
  3. you see your crush walking towards you, what's your first move?
  4. out of these words which one is your favorite?
  5. what's your favorite device?
  6. whats your dream job?
  7. what is your favorite video game?
  8. if someone came up to you and forgot what to say and walked away awkwardly, what would you tell your BFF about it?
  9. who is your crush?
  10. whats your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Am I popular?