are you normal,unormal,or just plain wierd?

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you start school on the first day and you want to know am i normal? well im here to tell you the answer!!!!!! i hope your normal,but will the quiz say otherwise?

are you unormal? do you like to stand on one hand and eat oreos? do you like to eat kitty litter? if you do you have come to the right place to find out!!!!

Created by: jesskin55
  1. do you wear layers on a warm day because its "stylish"?
  2. are you constantly wanting to stay away from others?
  3. do you date?
  4. does your teacher or boss pick you for jobs?
  5. are you.....
  6. do you have...
  7. is your coat slim,chunky,or medium?
  8. do you have your own house or room?
  9. do you text?
  10. which are you likely to do?

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Quiz topic: Am I normal,unormal,or just plain wierd?