Are you naturally funny? ( HOAHHH )

There are many people who try to be funny and try to make others laugh but... Most of them do it for attention, hiding their past or to help themselves to forget what happens at home.

But some... some are the natural type. They make others laugh, in a good way. Everybody likes being with them. ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Please take this quiz to find out.

Created by: HOAHHH
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How will you react if you graze your elbow?
  2. Do your friends laugh at your normal actions?
  3. Do you try to make your friends laugh?
  4. Do you bully anybody?
  5. Do you have a secret admirer?
  6. Sorry for asking, but do you have a complete family? Do you try to be happy as much as you can?
  7. Are you a fangirl/fanboy?
  8. Are you ready for your answer?
  9. You sure?
  10. YOU SURE?

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Quiz topic: Am I naturally funny? ( HOAHHH )