Are you lonely or popular?

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Are you really popular and know everyone around you? Do you have many friends, but are they really trustworthy? Do you have a group of friends or everyone is your friend?

Or are you lonely, unsocial, shy and reserved and sit alone at lunch with no friends? Or maybe you are in the middle and have a perfect amount of friends.

Created by: Lizzy
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. How many times do you have friends over?
  3. How long have you and your friend(s) known each other for?
  4. What do people think of you?
  5. Are you the leader or follower?
  6. Are your parents and their parents friends?
  7. Do people say you are popular? Be honest
  8. When your in assembly and you just performed a dance/got an award, what do the students do?
  9. Where do you hang out at lunch?
  10. What did u think of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I lonely or popular?
