Are you Logical or Artistic?

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This quiz will determine whether you are more logical or more artistic. First let me say, I believe everyone is a bit of both. I say this to get off on my right foot, and in case you don't know that is my better foot. Science disproved that a person is "left" or "Right" brained so yeah, don't be offended.

Please be kind, loyal, true, brave, nice, don't cuss in the comments, please like and share this, have fun, and this is based on bias and stereotype, so do not be surprised or offended.

Created by: Daniel
  1. You are in 6th grade, you must research one type of person as follows; Leader, Artist, Mathematician, Author, Architect, or Scientist. Which do you choose?
  2. In 8th grade you must do an end year project as follows; Scientific, Artistic, Mathematical, or Garden type. Which do you choose?
  3. In High School you must choose a 'career path' to follow. Which do you choose? (Choose 'none of the above' if you do not like options.)
  4. In High School you must choose a 'career path' to follow. Which do you choose? (Choose 'none of the above' if you do not like options.)
  5. Now you are in college, you must choose a degree path, what do you choose?
  6. You are in a park with beautiful, healthy looking trees sitting on a nice, new, clean park bench. Suddenly a beautiful looking girl sits next to you. You want to say hi but you forgot to shower, put deodorant on, and you just ate garlic bread. What do you do?
  7. When bored you.. (Choose 'none of the above' if none apply.)
  8. When bored you... (Choose 'none of the above' if none apply)
  9. You are in the woods with two other people when suddenly a snarling black bear comes at you. What do you do?
  10. What is your favorite color? (Say "None of the above' if none apply).
  11. What is your favorite color? (Say "None of the above' if none apply).
  12. Do you have friends?
  13. Heads or Tails?
  14. Which direction do you like best?
  15. Pablo Picasso or Isaac Newton?
  16. Hermione Granger, Da Vinci, Spock, Doctor Who, or Donatello?
  17. Do you value art or science?
  18. How much do you sleep?
  19. Do you shower every day?
  20. Last question will you share this and vote for this? (May effect score)

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