Are you like my family?

This will say if you are like me Luna, Matt, Millissa, Nana, or Cam! Answer everything and find out! I hope you get good results and have fun make sure you do!

Who are like in my family? Are you them? Or their twin? Idk but do you?! Find out in this quiz and good luck for it! If you get bad results its OK coarse you can't always be good.

Created by: Luna
  1. Are you smart?
  2. What gender are you?
  3. What is your age?
  4. Do you know the pals?
  5. Who owns the green color?
  6. Who owns the purple color?
  7. Do you live in coos bay?
  8. Are you in the pals?
  9. Are you enjoying this?
  10. Do you love your family?

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Quiz topic: Am I like my family?
