Are you like me?

This is my SECOND quiz. They are fun to make. Sometimes. NOT ALWAYS. @^$$^$^$@^$@Y$$$$T@$@$YEW@$#%RWT@$Y%#RWET@$#%YRWT@$%#YWT@$%Y#RW$#%Y$$%@TWRY@. Bye

These are interesting looking thorns OW&)%($%*&&$#%*$(%&($^*%#&$@#%*$^(*%&)$^(*#%$&@#%*$(%)&($(#*%%&$^(*%&)$^(#%*^$(&%)%)&$(^#*%%&$^(*&%()$^(*#&*%%&^$(*&%)

Created by: WeReWoLf2275
  1. I am basing this quiz on myself
  2. What is the average wing velocity of an unladen swallow?
  3. Do you know any werewolves?
  4. What is your favorite animal
  5. Are you a vampire
  6. One answer.
  7. What is your favorite color
  8. I am wondering if you like fish
  9. Did you know that werewolves can transform on a non-full moon?
  10. Did you notice that there was this "...." on every question

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?

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