Are you interesting, in my subjective opinion?

PLEASE READ. This is a fifty question quiz and is most likely a waste of your time. If at any time you find this chronically uninteresting, you can leave the quiz and I advise you to do so.

Normally, I think quizzes about one's self are narcissistic, but this is less about me, less about the results, and it is MAINLY WRITTEN TO MAKE YOU THINK. So, no nasty comments please. Rate objectively or don't rate.

Created by: Skye Alexa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So. Are you an introvert, ambivert, or extrovert?
  2. Which is better, to you?
  3. Does psychology interest you?
  4. I HATE YOU ERIC, YOU'RE SO STUPID. *mutters to self about eric* (I know of nobody named eric it's a joke between me and my friends)
  5. Are your grades A's & B's?
  6. We should get over ourselves as a world, and work together to advance discoveries and move to space as a society, right?
  7. Math is like a mystery book. Correct?
  8. Are you secretly pissed off that computers know more than you?
  9. How important is music to you, on a scale of 1-10?
  10. How many of these bands/musicians have you heard of? Nada Surf, Radiohead, Imogen Heap, Sleep Party People, Disturbed, Florence + The Machine, Sky Sailing
  11. Green Day, Owl City, 30STM, MCR, Linkin Park, Skylar Grey, Eminem, Breaking Benjamin, EarlyRise, Evanescence?
  12. Modest Mouse, Flyleaf, Good Charlotte, Billy Joel, Kill Hannah, MGMT, La Roux, Marilyn Manson, Nirvana, RHCP, Shiloh (as in Can't Hold On), Avril Lavigne, Skrillex, Deadmau5, The Offspring?
  13. Hatsune Miku?
  14. Done with music. Favorite color on the visible light spectrum?
  15. Favorite color not on the visible spectrum?
  16. Have you ever walked into a room and said "what's up, people-ology?"
  17. Are you unreasonably sensitive, but you dislike showing it?
  18. Do you hate Carly Rae Jepsen with a passion?
  19. Do you think sexuality is overrated?
  20. Which?
  21. Are you uncomfortable with more than 2 people near you?
  22. Which do you have more of?
  23. When people like you as a person, are you deeply confused as to why?
  24. Are you a bit neurotic?
  25. Pick.
  26. Pick.
  27. Which?
  28. Which?
  29. Which?
  30. Which?
  31. Don't you wish brains had back buttons? Like browsers do?
  32. Sarcasm & Irony?
  33. def. OXYMORON-n. A stain fighting moron.
  34. Metaphors? PARAPHORS? :)
  35. Did you ever come up with a mediocre theory (that seemed brilliant at the time) for a time machine that you thought everyone would love you for once you completed it?
  36. Did it involve black holes?
  37. Did you ever collect some arbitrary items like quartz rocks?
  38. Do you like singing, art, and dancing?
  39. Are you/do you wish you were an only child?
  40. Are you considered weird by many people?
  41. Do people say you read too much into things? Have you come up with casual conspiracies that you only half believe but people say you're paranoid anyway?
  42. Which?
  43. Are your parents divorced/separated?
  44. Do you sometimes hear a voice call your name/say incoherent things/other non voice sounds which don't exist?
  45. Do you miss your old self and feel nothing towards your reflection?
  46. Invisible/imaginary friends, ever have one/many? What about a comfort object, such as a blanket or bear? (as a child or now)
  47. Beautiful (aesthetically) things and high quality things, and NYC, London, & Japan. Sweet, yes?
  48. And lastly. Based on these questions, what is your opinion of me?

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Quiz topic: Am I interesting, in my subjective opinion?