Are you good or evil?

Are you good or evil? take this quiz to find out! Do you think that you are a kind angel or a very mean demon? This is just what you need to find out!

Did you expect that you were NEUTRAL?? well that is what you are! you are not good or evil!! Right in the middle is what you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Kathy Jones
  1. Have you ever thought or said a curse word?
  2. You see a run-over deer. What do you do?
  3. Do you think you are good?
  4. You see a bully picking on your best friend. What would you do?
  5. You're at the mall, and you walk out of a store with a bar of chocolate in your pocket. You haven't paid for it. Was it an accident?
  6. you're taking a test, and the teacher leaves for fifteen minutes. You could easily cheat and no one would catch you. What do you do?
  7. You're at a party in your friend's home. You knock over a fancy vase and break it, but no one sees. Do you tell anyone?
  8. You win the lottery! What do you do with the money?
  9. What personality best describes you?
  10. Last question - how would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I good or evil?
