Are You Good At Drawing

How good are you at drawing? If you wonder about this, this quiz may give you a rough guideline about how good you are. The quiz mainly focuses on drawing and sketching.

This quiz is simply to give you an estimate about your art ability. It is not meant to be taken seriously. Because in the end, it is you who must determine how your art skill is.

Created by: angie
  1. How long have you been drawing? (Starting from the time you have gotten more invested and serious in drawing)
  2. What do you see drawing as?
  3. How do you practice drawing?
  4. If I gave you a full body picture of a person, or a landscape, how long would it take you to sketch out?
  5. Can you draw out exactly the image that is pictured in your mind when you think of a cool art idea?
  6. How is your relationship with hands and feet?
  7. Do you make deep, dark, pressured strokes with your pen/pencil when you draw on paper?
  8. Does drawing in an anime art style help improve one's ability to draw realism?
  9. What do you think your art ability is like? (be honest!)
  10. What do you know about color theory?

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Quiz topic: am I Good At Drawing
