Are you good at basketball?

Are you a pro, streetballer,or a benchwarmer? it takes only a few seconds to find out! See if you can qualify to be the next #1 draft pick for the nba or if you should just give up on basket ball and try knitting.

Are you a streetballer, are benchwarmer? Could you play with the pros like kobe? or Lebron? Or should you find a new hobby? Thanks to this here quiz it takes only a minute.

Created by: Joe
  1. Do you start in every game?
  2. What position do you play?
  3. What is your scoring Average?
  4. Can you dunk?
  5. How often do you have the ball?
  6. Have you ever scored a game winner buzzer-beater?
  7. What is the farthest shot you've made? ( in the game)
  8. What was the sweetest dunk you've ever done? (if you have done any)
  9. What is your form like?
  10. Who is your favorite player of these?
  11. When the game is tied and your at the line, how do you focus?
  12. How would you rank yourself? (be honest)
  13. What is your average playing time?
  14. Do you think you will rank high?

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Quiz topic: Am I good at basketball?