Are you going to hell or heaven? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you going to hell or heaven?

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  • Why would I go to hell it doesn't exist nether does heaven

    But if it did why would the god of all evil touture me for being bad so it would be bad for me but good for the bad devil cause I did something bad which then would make me a good guy cause I'm getting punished for something bad which then would make me a bad guy and saten a good guy

  • Yeah I'm not going to hell even if you might think so; I do so much good in this world to even be considered to be going to hell so I will see you in Heaven

  • One, ive took better quizzes with worse meaning. Two, what does our favorite music have to do with heaven or hell?

  • HEAVEN!!!!!

  • You can suck my d
    There is no such thing as heaven OR hell

  • yeah thank god i'm going to heaven

  • I will burn in Hell if it means I have common sense and believe people should be able to love who they want. because that sounds like being a nice person instead of a jerk who imposes their will on everyone

  • Pathetic, lame comments these type of quizzes get by people who don't usually comment

  • I will burn in Hell if it means I have common sense and believe people should be able to love who they want. because that sounds like being a nice person instead of a jerk who imposes their will on everyone

  • I believe that as long as you believe in God and/or Jesus, you will go to heaven no matter how you live life. I listen to screamo, but that doesn't mean im going to hell!!

  • Wow, okay. I did not realize how bad my first sentence was. Really sorry about that.

  • There's something wrong with your brain. I don't see what type of music and what my favorite color is has to do with this quiz. Not everyone is gonna like the same color and the same type of music. My very Christian friend likes pop music, and her favorite color is red, yet she still goes to church every Sunday. Does that mean that she's going to Hell? No it does not. I, on the other hand, am a Wiccan (or Pagan to generalize it because some people don't know what Wicca is), but I'm still a good person. I think Jesus was a real man, but I don't think he was born from a virgin. I also don't believe in the devil, so how am I suppose to go to a place that isn't real to me?

    Oh, and another thing: dinosaurs were real. We have animals here today that are descendants of dinosaurs, so you're just going to have to live with that. Your god did not put their bones in the ground to test your faith in him. I honestly think thats kinda stupid because why would a god do that? Why would he have to keep on testing people's faith in him? Does he have so little faith in people that he has to keep on testing them? Dinosaurs were real, pterodactyls are awesome. Long live Megalodon.


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