Are you ghetto or nice?

Some are ghetto, some are not. Find out if you qualify to be ghetto by taking this quiz! GOTO QUIZ! YEAH! ALRIGHT! just trying to fill in spaces here :)

So hope you enjoy! And, BEGIN! Ugh! i have to type stuff to fill in the spaces so...yeah you can just start now...go on you don't have to read this...some of you probably don't any ways

Created by: Rachel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know what "nama'an" means?
  2. Do you like clothes that have gold,rhinestones,or any other eye catching decorations on them?
  3. Is your uncle also your cousin?
  4. Are you known for being"loud"?
  5. Do you wear large eyecatching jewerly?
  6. Would you ever name your kids, ta ta, na na, or epiphany?
  7. Would you ever disipline your kids with a clothes hanger,a flip-flop, or anything else laying around?
  8. Are your clothes REALLY,REALLY TIGHT and you know that shouldn't be???
  9. When someone proves that you were wrong in an argument, how do you react?
  10. Will you comment?

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Quiz topic: Am I ghetto or nice?