Are You Funky, Punky, Or A Monkey?!

Some people are smart, some people are cheeky, some people are stylish, some people are super-talented, but whatever you are, you will probably either be funky, punky, or a monkey!

All you have to do is answer the 12 questions in this quiz, to find out which one you are the most. Will you be funkalicious, punkalicious, or monkalicious? Well dont let me keep you waiting!

Created by: lisa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is fashion you're passion?!
  2. Are you giggly?!
  3. How popular are you?!
  4. what's your style of music?!
  5. How often do you get into trouble?!
  6. What's your favourite colour out of these?!
  7. What's your favourite food?!
  8. How would your friends most describe you?!
  9. do you like this quiz?!
  10. if someone told you, you were ugly what would you do?!

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Quiz topic: Am I Funky, Punky, Or A Monkey?!