Are you dummer then a preschooler

there are many dumb people in the world,but some people are dummer(i know that dummer is spelt wrong)then a preschooler in my quiz you can find out like 1+3=.

are you smart or are you dumb? well if you are dumb take this quiz and you can find out if you are dummer then a preschooler in just a few minutes you can have no life

Created by: jeff general
  1. what gets wet as it drys
  2. how do you win UNO
  3. how do you drink water
  4. who is NOT hot
  5. witch of the flowing are evil
  6. what is 1+1=
  7. what is homework
  8. football is
  9. mm's are made of
  10. lastly what is this quiz like

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Quiz topic: Am I dummer then a preschooler