Are you dangerous or not?

Dangerous do not hack and find out were I live I have no idea wat to do I'm in a hurry fijcjcjjddijdjdddiiddoodododidifififfiifjfjfjgjgjguguugugugugjgjgjtjgjgjgjtj

Scary don't visit my house on Halloween jbguyfzfddghggihgihfugcufuygiygugfytdtyfuufyhuhhvhjvgjvjhfhjgjvjhvhvhjgkhgouhuigiguihuoguohoihiohohjohjohojhjohjkhhjo

Created by: Tristan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like hunting?
  2. Do you like shooting any kind of weapon
  3. Do you work out a lot
  4. Do you take gun or fighting lessons
  5. Are you bored
  6. Do you like to walk through the woods by yourself.
  7. Is killing games fun
  8. Pick random answers
  9. Mine craft on hard
  10. Bananas or apples
  11. Showing your friends
  12. Fast cars are awesome
  13. Fast cars are awesome

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Quiz topic: Am I dangerous or not?