Are you creative?

You may or may not be creative, but right now... WHO CARES!!!! RIGHT?!? Do you care? Maybe you should care, but only about your creativness.

Are you creative? Or ARE YOU STUPID? Maybe your an idiot? Or even a genius! But for now!!!! let's just live life!!! Hope you have an awesome creative fun life.

Created by: lil0lol
  1. Has an art teacher ever entered one of your art projects in an art competition?
  2. On the computer, do you ever play on anything were you can create something? When I say something I mean ANYTHING, as long as you've created it!!
  3. Do you like drawing?
  4. Do you have a favorite color, or do you think it even matters?
  5. This question may puzzle you but... does anyone ever recognize and/or say you have a good sense in fashion?
  6. Do you mix or match clothes?
  7. What do you do when your bored?
  8. You should know this... What color do you get when you mix all colors together?
  9. Do people think your laugh is unusual?
  10. How was this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I creative?