Are you Blue, Cricket, Sundew, Swordtail, or Luna?

Have you ever wondered if you are more like Blue, Cricket, Sundew, Luna, or Swordtail? If so, this is the perfect quiz for any Wings of Fire fan (like me)!

Simply answer the questions and see which of these Pantala characters you are most like. Try to answer with your guts instead of choosing the answer you think will get you the character you want. Have fun and enjoy!

Created by: wofgirl018
  1. Are you female or male?
  2. What is your favorite color out of these?
  3. What is your preferred way of tackling a problem?
  4. What do you think of the HiveWings?
  5. How would you friends describe you?
  6. How would you describe your relationship with you mother?
  7. Do you like jewelry and dressing fashionably?
  8. Would you prefer to live outside or inside?
  9. Which out of these characters are your favorite?
  10. Which of these quotes do you like the best/find the most relatable?
  11. I appreciate the time you took to take my quiz! I hope you will be happy with your results. Thank you and bye!

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Quiz topic: Am I Blue, Cricket, Sundew, Swordtail, or Luna?
