Are you autistic?

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Have you ever wondered if your brain was a little different to everyone else's? Maybe when you were younger you felt like an alien, it could be autism and here's a quiz to help you find out.

If you answer these questions honestly then it could provide the answer. Read through all the options before choosing. This quiz isn't a diagnostic tool.

Created by: Lewis Jefferson
  1. How did your speech develop?
  2. How is your vocabulary now?
  3. How are you at communicating and conversation?
  4. Do you tend to take things literally?
  5. How are you with verbal instructions?
  6. How do you find socialising?
  7. How are you with social cues (such as sarcasm)?
  8. Are you good at socialising?
  9. How many friends do you have?
  10. How do you feel about friends?
  11. Are your friends all around your age?
  12. Are you good at recognising emotions?
  13. How many emotions do you have?
  14. Do you feel emotions more strongly than other people, for example you might be angrier or happier than most because of a small thing or detail?
  15. Are you empathic?
  16. How would you describe your voice?
  17. Do you stim?
  18. How often do you stim?
  19. What triggers your stimming?
  20. Do you need routine?
  21. Do you struggle with big changes such as moving house or moving school or someone's death?
  22. Do you have certain rituals you need to complete?
  23. Do you have a special interest?
  24. How much time do you spend on this interest?
  25. Do you have an unusual special object that you like to keep with you at all times such as a shoelace or a bottle top?
  26. Are you oversensitive to certain stimuli?
  27. Are you undersensitive to stimuli?
  28. Do you have a good imagination?
  29. Did you do well in school academically?
  30. What's your IQ?
  31. How did you do in school in general?
  32. How are you with motor skills?
  33. Do you have sleep problems?
  34. Do you need to be in control?

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Quiz topic: Am I autistic?

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