Are you an evil person?

Check out this quiz to see if you are an evil person. If not, yay! If you are, that's great too! Have a nice evil packed day! I hope you enjoy my quiz.

Are you an evil genius? Are you an evil mastermind? Take this quiz to find out! If you ace it, buy a suit and become an evil villain. I'm hungry. Cheese.

Created by: Awesomeness tomatoes
  1. You see a gun on the ground
  2. What do you like to do?
  3. What do you like to do?
  4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  5. What is your favorite type of book?
  6. You see a man trying to kill an old man
  7. What is your favorite animal!
  8. Who is your favorite character from Thor?
  9. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?
  10. Are you evil?

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