Are YOU an Emo?

UMM... Emos are awesome, Did you know that most if not all emos hate Justin Bieber! I certainly do! I think he looks and sings like a girl xD YAY! For killing small... bananas.

Are YOU an Emo? Do you have the awesomeness to achieve that immense title? Until now you could only despair at not knowing. BUT thanks to my awesome quiz you know have the ability to find out!!

Created by: Jeremy Clarkson

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why are you taking this quiz?
  2. What kind of music do you listen to?
  3. Do you wear Converse?
  4. What are your feelings on death?
  5. If some one punches you, you...?
  6. What does Emo mean to you?
  7. Do you like scissors?
  8. What colour describes your personality?
  9. Do you like Pokemon?
  10. Do you like Justin Bieber?
  11. What colour is your hair?
  12. DO you own an iPod/MP3 player?
  13. Do you slit your wrists in the shape of lightening bolts?
  14. Do you draw all over your hands, arms or belongings?
  15. What do you wear on a regular day?
  16. Do you kill people to stop the pain of your sorrow?
  17. Why are you still here??
  18. Goodbye!

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Quiz topic: Am I an Emo?