are you an anti furry or a cringe furry

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this is a quiz to know if your an anti furry or a furry because i hope people in this website are anti furry so i made this quiz to find anti furry people

get ready for this amazing quiz to tell if your an cool anti furry or a cringe furry that isnt cool at all so get ready in 3 2 1 Start the quiz to know!

Created by: paul2e3sss
  1. what would you do if you saw a furry
  2. is anti furry cool
  3. do you have a fursona
  4. are furrys cool
  5. who is cooler
  6. whos most likely to win
  7. do you have a fursit?
  8. do you like animals
  9. do you like furrys
  10. do you comment cringe on furry vids

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Quiz topic: Am I an anti furry or a cringe furry

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