Are You An Alien?

Have you ever wondered, "Am I from another planet?" Well find out in this quiz! This quiz is very accurate and you might just find that you're not from Earth!

Are you an alien from Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune? Are you a half-alien from the moon or a dwarf planet? Or are you a human from Earth?

Created by: Nachosanna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of the following candies do you like best?
  2. Do you like slime?
  3. What is your hair color?
  4. What is your eye color?
  5. Do you have any unique marks? (Birth marks, scars, etc.)
  6. Do you eat things that most people dislike?
  7. Do you ever make up your own language?
  8. Hair ties, bracelets, or stone necklaces?
  9. Wavy, straight, or curly hair?
  10. Do you like aliens?
  11. Which do you think you are?
  12. Do you have any odd habits or obsessions?
  13. What music do you like? Rap or jazz?
  14. How tall are you?

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Quiz topic: Am I An Alien?