Are you a witch or fairy? (Land of stories/a tale of magic)

Have you read the land of stories series or the tale of magic series? Have you ever wanted to know if you were a witch or fairy, just like the characters do?

This is the quiz for you! After answering simply questions you will find out what you are! I hope you enjoy this quiz and enjoy your answer, remember this is fake you may not actually be a bad person!

Created by: Catlover1234
  1. Who is your favorite character?
  2. What’s the worst thing you have done?
  3. Do you wish any villains succeeded with their plans?
  4. If you wanted a villain to succeed, who?
  5. Random question: Do you like RED RIDING HOOD?
  6. Who is the worst villain?
  7. Random question: Do you like Alex?
  8. If you were a villain what would you want to do?
  9. Random question: DO you like Goldilocks?
  10. Have you ever dreamed of being a villian?
  11. Random question: Froggy or red?
  12. Ok, lastly do u want to be a witch or a fairy
  13. Ty for playing!

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Quiz topic: Am I a witch or fairy? (Land of stories/a tale of magic)
