are you a wimp?

this quiz ask's all sorts of question and they all make a differants to wether your a wimp or not,so are you a wimp ?do you run away from spiders or pull of there legs?

are you a wimp? do you think your pethecik or tuff? take this quick quiz to find out !! hope you like it and if your a wimp improve but dont be to tuff cuz thats kinda creepy

Created by: lily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you saw a guy with his hood up with a knife what would you do?
  2. imagen your on a small block with no walls around you how high would you have to be to be sceard?
  3. if you saw someone put somthing up there shirt in a shop (steal somthing) what would you do?
  4. have you ever hurt some one?
  5. have you EVER broken the law?
  6. what typs of books do you like/read
  7. whats your fav colour?
  8. pick one
  9. are you annoid about the last question?
  10. did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a wimp?