Are you a true Philadelphian?

Are you from Philly, or will you take this test and prove you don't know anything about the city at all. Let's see if you are a true Philadelphian! If you do know you're either a well travelled tourist or you are from here. if you don't, what don't you come on over and stay for a while!

Some people know they're city. Some don't. Let's see if you know! If you do know you're either a well travelled tourist or you are from here. if you don't, what don't you come on over and stay for a while!

Created by: John Q. Adams
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is a major highway here?
  2. Where's the best place to get water ice?
  3. What is the tallest building in the Center City Skyline?
  4. Have you been to the Liberty Bell in the past year?
  5. Have you ever bought a tacky gift shop item at PHL?
  6. What is Morey's Piers?
  7. Where is the most expensive area in Philadelphia County?
  8. What is PHL?
  9. Which of these TV shows takes place in Philadelphia?
  10. Who is the Philadelphian mayor?
  11. What is the Disney hole?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Philadelphian?