Are You A True MSWer? WELL ARE YOU?

I am required to make this thing, so I guess I'll tell you a bit about myself. The name's Waldo. And I am around 10 times better than you will ever understand. Now taking questions. Yes, blue shirt in the third row. Huh? OH! You want to know the answer to number 5. Well. . . the answer is. . . *cuts to commercial break*

This quiz is about MSW, and if you don't ace it, obviously you don't deserve to be a member of MSW. If you ace it, I love you. But only is you give me cookies.

Created by: Gracehhh
  1. What is Karin's username? (I hope Karin gets this right!)
  2. What does MSW stand for?
  3. Who is the most popular?
  4. How do you spell melliany's name?
  5. Who here is NOT a member of MSW
  6. Who am I?
  7. QUICK! WHAT IS 2+3?
  8. This one is a hard one. . . what website is MSW on?
  9. How do you feel about NOOBS?
  10. *sighs*

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Quiz topic: Am I A True MSWer? WELL am I?