Are You A True Mr.Kitty Fan?

Theres no explanation, really. This is simply a quiz to see how much you know Mr.Kitty and his music! The questions are slightly difficult so if you dont know much about him i dont recommend taking it

If you do, then i wish you good luck! the questions are slightly out of order and get more difficult near the end. if you make it past 67%, you’re one of my new favorites =)

Created by: preztonn of AO3_preztonn
(your link here more info)
  1. “And even if i cry, I’ll never close my eyes, to see through all the lies you’ve bestowed to me.”
  2. “Blood on our hands, we stand alone.”
  3. “Amethyst tears, forgive my fears, with eyes so bleak what do you seek? and when we die the doves will cry, glaciers will fall once and for all.”
  4. what album is this song from? “Hold Me Down.”
  5. “does it hurt if you know that I’m not here, you’ll be alone, I surrender now I won’t leave a note”
  6. what album is this song from? “Home”
  7. “our hollow shells It’s life and death, flowers bloom, I haven’t seen new mutations Inside of me.”
  8. What is Mr.Kitty’s real name?
  9. “We're telling the stories, Our laughter, He knows me, We're leaving, We're talking, You're closer, It's calming”
  10. “Hands are tightly binded. Breathing dust, grinding teeth, Senses are not minded”
  11. “Open your eyes, Take your meds, go back to sleep, then wake up dead.”
  12. “To satisfy I don’t need a ring. I’m hypnotized as I cry and scream”
  13. What album is “Dear Love” in?
  14. What song is based off a TRUE event?

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Quiz topic: Am I A True Mr.Kitty Fan?
