Are you a true Minecraft troll?

Many different people are interested in many different things. But who is interested in trolling and Minecraft? This quiz will help you see it you are a true troller or not.

Many have asked me if I like Minecraft. I do. And I like trolling too. Take this quiz and see if you are like me I dare you *gasp*. If you are a troller like me, you are actually 95% troll or higher. Not 85%.

Created by: WispBolt
  1. Do you like to troll people?
  2. What is your favorite trolling weapon?
  3. If you were asked to troll your best friend by a random person on the Internet, would you do that?
  4. If your girl/boyfriend was playing Minecraft with you, and he/she knew absolutely nothing about Minecraft, would you troll him/her?
  5. Which portal would you send someone through if you were trolling them?
  6. If you had an opportunity to troll a random noob in Minecraft, would you take it?
  7. What is your favorite color? (no affect)! Trololololol!
  8. If you caught a hacker and banned them from a server, what message would you write for them?
  9. How would grief someone's house when trolling?
  10. Second to last question: how would YOU troll ME?
  11. Last question: if you know me (you probably don't) Am I a troll?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Minecraft troll?