Are You a True Little Mermaid Fan?

Are you a Little Mermaid fan? Is being Ariel your dream? Is a guy like Eric the only one that can top your list? Then you have come to the right place to test your Ariel-ness.

Some will lose, some will win. Does everything about you scream "Little Mermaid?" Well here is your chance to find out. It will only take a couple of minutes.Let me take you under the sea.

Created by: Caroline Lowenfield
  1. What is the main character's name?
  2. What is Ariel's dream?
  3. Who is her best friend?
  4. What name does the prince have that she saves and, eventually, falls in love with?
  5. What makes Ariel find the sea witch?
  6. Who is the sea witch that helps turn Ariel human?
  7. What must Ariel give Ursula to be human?
  8. How long does Ariel have to win Eric's heart?
  9. Where does Eric almost kiss Ariel?
  10. What does Ursula do when she sees this close attempt? (Think carefully)
  11. What is Ursula's name when she marries Eric?
  12. Where does Eric and Vanessa's wedding take place?
  13. What happens to Ariel when her voice is restored?
  14. What does Ursula do with Ariel?
  15. Does Eric save or help Ariel in any way during the time Ursula takes over the ocean?
  16. What happens in the end of this story?
  17. BONUS QUESTION NUMBER ONE: Who is the court composer under the sea?
  18. BONUS QUESTION NUMBER TWO: Is there a sequel to this movie?

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Quiz topic: Am I a True Little Mermaid Fan?