are you a true harry potter fan?

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There are many people that CLAIM to be a harry potter fan but do you really know it well come on try this quiz and you might just find out you are a TRUE Harry Potter Fan!!!!!!!

Are you a Hard Core Harry Potter fan or not? do you know how to get to platform 9 3/4 but even if you do know you need certain knowledge to be a REAL fan. take this fast simple quiz and find out

Created by: Smokey112
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. in harry potter and the chamber of secrets who is the villain
  2. in the half blood prince what is the climax
  3. when harry was one year old what life changing event happened
  4. easy question : who are harry's best friends just saying if you get this wrong you just made all the nerds in the world burst into tears
  5. what are harry potter's parents names
  6. yet another easy question by moi: what is the villain in the over all series
  7. this may be a hard question for younger and idiotic quiz takers: What does the mort in lord VoldeMORT mean
  8. what do ya think this means : Horcrux
  9. i have two more questions : how many pages is the order of the phoenix NO CHEATING
  10. OK LAST QUESTION : what according to JK Rowling is the main theme

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Quiz topic: Am I a true harry potter fan?