Are You a True Fruits Basket Fan?

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This quiz will tell you if you are a true Fruits Basket fan or not. Whether you like the books, the old, or the new anime, this quiz will determine how far up you are on the scale.

I am a big Fruits Basket fan myself and have taken many quizzes before, so I thought it would be fun to create one instead. I hope you have fun with this quiz!

Created by: Natalie Burk
  1. What are Hanajima and Uotani's first names?
  2. What is Kyo's ultimate goal in life?
  3. What can Kyo not stand?
  4. What is Tohru to Yuki?
  5. TRUE OR FALSE: Hanajima can read minds.
  6. What was Kyoko's Gang Leader name?
  7. What did Tohru want when Kyo showed his true form and ran off into the woods?
  8. What holiday did Momiji take Tohru to the Hot Springs for?
  9. What is Momiji's little sister's name?
  10. What did Uotani and Hanajima say Tohru and Kureno have in common?
  11. Why did Kagura become friends with Kyo?
  12. Why did Rin break up with Haru?
  13. TRUE OR FALSE: Kisa thinks of Shigure, Ayame, and Hatori as "uncles"
  14. Who is the Treasurer on the Student Council?
  15. TRUE OR FALSE: Machi and Kakeru are biological brother and sister

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Quiz topic: Am I a True Fruits Basket Fan?
