Are you a true fan of TWD

There are many people that say they have seen an episode or two of TWD but other people binge watch it on Netflix like me. If you take this quiz it will cauculate your knowledge on this topic.

If you take this quiz it will determine what kind of fan you are there are multiple kind of fans. I have been watching since the beginning of when the first episode came out.

Created by: Katelynn
  1. Who is the actor who plays "carl grimes" in the series?
  2. Who played as "Beth greene"?
  3. Is t-dog dead?
  4. How many seasons are there so far?
  5. Who is maggies Dad?
  6. What does "TWD" stand for?
  7. What happened to denise?
  8. Does Carl have any siblings?
  9. What gender is Carl's sibling?
  10. Do you think you did good? (Stay positive)

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Quiz topic: Am I a true fan of TWD