Are you a sideline Hoe?

Thank you for taking the time to take this quiz! Hopefully you have defined your position in your mans life. If you are a side line hey hate it or love it! Do you! Most women think they are the most important person in their mans lives. All the while they are sharing them.

If youre not then congratulations but more than likely he has a sideline because youre not doing something right. So get it together girl. This quiz was inspired by my friend who doesnt hink shes a sideline but really is. So never doubt it and take heed to the truth.

Created by: tashauna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your calling times?
  2. Have you been to his house?
  3. What kind of places does he take you out to?
  4. Have you met his mom?
  5. Does he pick you up from your house?
  6. Have you met his patnas?
  7. Do you spend the night and don't have to leave early in the morning?
  8. Do you spend most of your time with him?
  9. How many times have he told you he loves you?
  10. Do you fell like a side line hoe sometimes?

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Quiz topic: Am I a sideline Hoe?