Are you a really bad person?

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I hope there are no bad people in this world. But there are a few devils to balance the amount of good. Strangely they are normal just like you and me! They go to school to pester the little kids then come home to yell orders at their parents.

Are YOU a devil? You might not notice but maybe you are red with horns and pointed tail inside that glamourous skin. I will reveal the striking truth after you click some choices. Read on, my readers.

Created by: Jenna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many friends
  2. Are your parents slaves to you?
  3. How often are you sent to the principals?
  4. How many thing do you love? Really love.
  5. Are people nice to you?
  6. Do you have a bedtime?
  7. Do you think everything is unfair?
  8. Hey. What is your nickname?
  9. How many people do you HATE?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a really bad person?