Are you a real punk or poseur?

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Are you a true punk or a fake a true poseur? Find out with this. 324237642397864324623784623874374826384623847632874236487236428736481327642187


Created by: Vicious
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What should a punk look like?
  2. Can punks do anything they want?
  3. What group is all punk?
  4. Do you consider yourself punk?
  5. Wannabe
  6. A punk is...
  7. Do you demand respect?
  8. Do you think for yourself?
  9. First punk band
  10. Is punk anti-mainstream?
  11. Emo
  12. What labels should punks avoid?
  13. Punks' not dead

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Quiz topic: Am I a real punk or poseur?