Are you a real Mario fan?

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This is a fun Mario quiz you can take! It is just a test to see if you are a Mario fan. Thank you for choosing to take this quiz! This is my first quiz!

Take the quiz by yourself, or with a friend! Or two... Or three... How many friends do you have? You can also take the quiz with your siblings or family! There's only one rule: NO CHEATING!

Created by: EpicQuizMaker
  1. What is Mario's brother's name?
  2. Who is the main villain of the series?
  3. What is the very first Mario game?
  4. How old is Mario (in game terms) as of February 2024?
  5. What is the closest number to how many Mario games there are (all official but not all main games)?
  6. What company made Mario?
  7. WHO exactly created Mario?
  8. Based on question 4's answer, what year could Mario's birth date be in?
  9. True or False: Was Mario never supposed to exist?
  10. On what day was Super Mario Odyssey released in?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real Mario fan?
