Are You a Real Horse-Lover?

Are you a true horse lover or just a phony who says so? Find out in this quiz to see if you are a true horse lover. What is a true horse lover you say? Well someone who would do anything for a horse is one! See if you are one here!

There are many people who say "I WANT A PONY FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!" If you are one of those people, take this quiz to figure out if you are capable of owning one and if you are a true horse lover. And remember to choose the truth or else I will know!!!

Created by: Kora
  1. Do you own a horse?
  2. What kind of horse is your dream horse?
  3. Would you muck out a stall?
  4. Dressage, anything that gets me money, Show Jumping, I would not like to spend my horse(s)' energy on shows (Okay for not owning a horse, I do not own a horse but I would like any show, or NONE!
  5. If you could only do one thing with a horse today, what would it be?
  6. What kind of tack is the kind what YOU would use?
  7. What breed? (Sorry if I did not include the one you want just choose "other" thank you)
  8. What is my favourite colour? (I ran out of questions)XD
  9. Do you like to draw horses?
  10. Do you look for horse games ever?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Real Horse-Lover?